Sunday, April 6, 2008

Extended Argument

Although i am an engineering major, my paper wont be focusing that much on my field, aside from the fact that it deals with technology, just like my field of study.  Engineering simply doesnt have any  "arguments" that i really feel i can write about for 8 pages, if you want a tech paper, i can do that, because thats mostly all engineering is, facts and research and prototypes, there usually isnt a huge "other side" to things, if it works it works, if it doesn't it doesnt.

That said, for my extended argument paper i am planning on focusing on internet surveillence and governmental restrictions of internet uses.  Although i feel very strongly about the whole music downloading and RIAA issue, i will try not to focus on that, if i do it will only be as a support. My main focus is going to be on surveillance, and my stance is going to be that it shouldnt be occuring as much as it is.  The government is severely overstepping thier boundaries and invading thier citizens personal privacy with many of the news, and do not at all agree with that.

1 comment:

Greg Scott said...

typo: the last sentance is meant to say "new laws and bills" not "news"